Things to Think About When Pursuing a Meditation Instructor

This is a question that has popped up more than a few times in the last few months as I’ve scoured the web for other sites like mine, participated in forums, and responded to general inquiries sent to me via Urban Spiritual. From what I can tell, it spurns a lot of debate in the virtual world. My opinion? Yes, no, and it depends.

Read the full article, “Do You Absolutely NEED a Meditation Teacher?” at our main site!

Simplicity of meditation


The Buddha stated that the ultimate goal of entering the path is “unshakeable liberation of mind.” He also stated that meditation is the heart of that path. That said, many people believe that meditation is inaccessible to them; that it is something mystical or supernatural. And others feel that it is a waste of time or meaningless. In actuality, these thoughts and feelings are merely the labels of a non-liberated mind, and so are the very reasons to undertake the practice of meditation…

This post has been moved to the new Urban Spiritual! Click the link to finish reading and learning how to meditate