Things to Think About When Pursuing a Meditation Instructor

This is a question that has popped up more than a few times in the last few months as I’ve scoured the web for other sites like mine, participated in forums, and responded to general inquiries sent to me via Urban Spiritual. From what I can tell, it spurns a lot of debate in the virtual world. My opinion? Yes, no, and it depends.

Read the full article, “Do You Absolutely NEED a Meditation Teacher?” at our main site!

The Importance of Community

Until fairly recently (the last year or so), I was the type of person who didn’t see any great need to commune with others in terms of my inner life. I figured, I had my own spiritual practice, my own group of friends, my family, and I didn’t need anyone or anything else. Yet, there was arrogance and close-mindedness there.

Read the full post, “Community: The Road to Humiltiy” at our main site!